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Machine learning & Computer Vision
Fish detection and tracking
Bag of Dense Derivative Depth Patterns (bag_d3p)
Fish detection and tracking database
Image database for tiny hand gesture recognition
Nighttime vehicle detection
High Resolution Range based Face Database (HRRFaceD)
Image database for vehicle recognition
Indoor database for people detection
PIROPO database
Multi-modal Leap Motion dataset for Hand Gesture Recognition
Parking Lot Database
Multi-UAV online mission planning
Nighttime vehicle detection
Runaway recognition for automatic UAV landing
Fingertip detection for air-writing applications
Thermal hand gesture recognition
FashionNet: Recognition of fashion styles in the wild
ParkingNet: Day/Night outdoor parking space detection
RDDTS: Radar look-like capability for detecting distant targets at sea
HGT-CC: Hand gesture recognition with color cameras
HGR-nIRC: Hand gesture recognition with near-infrared cameras
InnoLOG: Innovative geophysical logging tools for mineral exploration
Human Aware Spaces
DGT Project
Machine learning & Computer Vision
Fish detection and tracking
Bag of Dense Derivative Depth Patterns (bag_d3p)
Fish detection and tracking database
Image database for tiny hand gesture recognition
Nighttime vehicle detection
High Resolution Range based Face Database (HRRFaceD)
Image database for vehicle recognition
Indoor database for people detection
PIROPO database
Multi-modal Leap Motion dataset for Hand Gesture Recognition
Parking Lot Database
Multi-UAV online mission planning
Nighttime vehicle detection
Runaway recognition for automatic UAV landing
Fingertip detection for air-writing applications
Thermal hand gesture recognition
FashionNet: Recognition of fashion styles in the wild
ParkingNet: Day/Night outdoor parking space detection
RDDTS: Radar look-like capability for detecting distant targets at sea
HGT-CC: Hand gesture recognition with color cameras
HGR-nIRC: Hand gesture recognition with near-infrared cameras
InnoLOG: Innovative geophysical logging tools for mineral exploration
Human Aware Spaces
DGT Project
Fish detection and tracking
Bag of Dense Derivative Depth Patterns (bag_d3p)
Fish detection and tracking database
Image database for tiny hand gesture recognition
Nighttime vehicle detection
High Resolution Range based Face Database (HRRFaceD)
Image database for vehicle recognition
Indoor database for people detection
PIROPO database
Multi-modal Leap Motion dataset for Hand Gesture Recognition
Parking Lot Database
Multi-UAV online mission planning
Nighttime vehicle detection
Runaway recognition for automatic UAV landing
Fingertip detection for air-writing applications
Thermal hand gesture recognition
FashionNet: Recognition of fashion styles in the wild
ParkingNet: Day/Night outdoor parking space detection
RDDTS: Radar look-like capability for detecting distant targets at sea
HGT-CC: Hand gesture recognition with color cameras
HGR-nIRC: Hand gesture recognition with near-infrared cameras
InnoLOG: Innovative geophysical logging tools for mineral exploration
Human Aware Spaces
DGT Project
Fish detection and tracking
Bag of Dense Derivative Depth Patterns (bag_d3p)
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