
See a more complete list in my Google Scholar Profile.



  • A. Bell, T. Mantecón, C. Díaz, C.R. del Blanco, F. Jaureguizar, N. García, “A Novel System for Nighttime Vehicle Detection Based on Foveal Classifiers with Real-Time Performance”, IEEE Trans. Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. xx, no. x, pp. xxx-xxx, xxx 2021 (Early Access) (doi: 10.1109/TITS.2021.3053863

  • C.R. del Blanco, P. Carballeira, F. Jaureguizar, N. García, “Robust people indoor localization with omnidirectional cameras using a Grid of Spatial-Aware Classifiers”, Signal Processing: Image Communication, vol. 93, article 116135, pp. 1-11, Apr. 2021. (doi: 10.1016/j.image.2021.116135)


  • P. Bao, A.I. Maqueda, C.R. del Blanco, N. García, “Tiny Hand Gesture Recognition without Localization via a Deep Convolutional Network”, IEEE Trans. Consumer Electronics, vol. 63, no. 3, pp. 251-257, Aug. 2017. (doi: 10.1109/TCE.2017.014971)


  • A.I. Maqueda, C.R. del Blanco, F. Jaureguizar, N. García, “Temporal Pyramid Matching of Local Binary sub-Patterns for Hand-Gesture Recognition”, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 23, no. 8, pp. 1037-1041, Aug. 2016. (doi: 10.1109/LSP.2016.2579664)

  • T. Mantecón, C.R. del Blanco, F. Jaureguizar, N. García, “Visual Face Recognition using Bag of Dense Derivative Depth Patterns”, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 23, no. 6, pp. 771-775, Jun. 2016. (doi: 10.1109/LSP.2016.2553784)


  • A.I. Maqueda, C.R. del Blanco, F. Jaureguizar, N. García, “Human–computer interaction based on visual hand-gesture recognition using volumetric spatiograms of local binary patterns”, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Special Issue on Pose & Gesture, vol. 141, pp. 126-137, Dec. 2015. (doi: 10.1016/j.cviu.2015.07.009)


  • C.R. del Blanco, T. Mantecón, M. Camplani, F. Jaureguizar, L. Salgado, N. García, “Foreground Segmentation in Depth Imagery Using Depth and Spatial Dynamic Models for Video Surveillance Applications”, Sensors, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 1961-1987, Feb. 2014. (doi: 10.3390/s140201961)


  • M. Camplani, T. Mantecón, L. Salgado, “Depth-Color Fusion Strategy for 3D Scene Modeling with Kinect”, IEEE Trans. Cybernetics, vol. 43, no. 6, pp. 1560-1571, Dec. 2013. (doi: 10.1109/TCYB.2013.2271112)



  • A. Bell, C. R. del-Blanco, F. Jaureguizar and N. García, "Robust Nighttime Vehicle Detection Based on Foveal Classifiers," 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Sevilla, 2020, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ISCAS45731.2020.9180730. [Project]


  • A.I. Maqueda, C.R. del Blanco, F. Jaureguizar, N. García, “Structured learning via convolutional neural networks for vehicle detection”, SPIE Int. Conf. Real-Time Image and Video Processing 2017, Anaheim (CA), USA, Proc. SPIE, vol. 10223, pp. 1022302-1-9, 9-13 Apr. 2017. (doi: 10.1117/12.2261982)


  • T. Mantecón, C.R. del Blanco, F. Jaureguizar, N. García, “Hand Gesture Recognition using Infrared Imagery Provided by Leap Motion Controller”, Int. Conf. on Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems, ACIVS 2016, Lecce, Italy, pp. 47-57, 24-27 Oct. 2016. (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-48680-2_5)


  • A.I. Maqueda, A. Ruano, C.R. del Blanco, P. Carballeira, F. Jaureguizar, N. García, "Novel Multi-Feature Bag-of-Words Descriptor via Subspace Random Projection for Efficient Human-Action Recognition", 12th IEEE Int. Conf. on Advanced Video and Signal based Surveillance, AVSS 2015, Karlsruhe, Germany, pp. 1-6, 25-28 Aug. 2015. (doi: 10.1109/AVSS.2015.7301736)

  • T. Mantecón, A. Mantecón, C.R. del Blanco, F. Jaureguizar, N. García, “Enhanced gesture-based human-computer interaction through a compressive sensing reduction scheme of very large and efficient depth feature descriptors”, 12th IEEE Int. Conf. on Advanced Video and Signal based Surveillance, AVSS 2015, Karlsruhe, Germany, pp. 1-6, 25-28 Aug. 2015. (doi: 10.1109/AVSS.2015.7301804)

  • A.I. Maqueda, C.R. del Blanco, F. Jaureguizar, N. García, “Human-action recognition module for the new generation of augmented reality applications”, 19th IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics, ISCE 2015, Madrid, Spain, pp. 1-2, 24-26 Jun. 2015. (doi: 10.1109/ISCE.2015.7177833)

  • T. Mantecón, A. Mantecón, C.R. del Blanco, F. Jaureguizar, N. García, "Hand-gesture-based human-machine interface system using Compressive Sensing”, 19th IEEE Int. Symposium on Consumer Electronics, ISCE 2015, Madrid, Spain, pp. 1-2, 24-26 Jun. 2015. (doi: 10.1109/ISCE.2015.7177828)

  • A.I. Maqueda, C.R. del Blanco, F. Jaureguizar, N. García, “Human-Computer Interaction Based on Visual Recognition using Volumegrams of Local Binary Patterns”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Consumer Electronics, ICCE 2015, Las Vegas (NV), USA, pp. 583-584, 9-12 Jan. 2015. (doi: 10.1109/ICCE.2015.7066536)

  • T. Mantecón, C.R. del Blanco, F. Jaureguizar, N. García, “Access Control Based on Visual Face Recognition Using Depth Spatiograms of Local Quantized Patterns”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Consumer Electronics, ICCE 2015, Las Vegas (NV), USA, pp. 530-531, 9-12 Jan. 2015. (doi: 10.1109/ICCE.2015.7066512)


  • T. Mantecón, C.R. del Blanco, F. Jaureguizar, N. García, “Depth-Based Face Recognition using Local Quantized Patterns Adapted for Range Data”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing, ICIP 2014, Paris, France, pp. 293-297, 27-30 Oct. 2014. (doi: 10.1109/ICIP.2014.7025058)

  • T. Mantecón, C.R. del Blanco, F. Jaureguizar, N. García, “New generation of human machine interfaces for controlling UAV through depth-based gesture recognition”, SPIE Int. Conf. Unmanned Systems Technology XVI, Baltimore (MA), USA, SPIE vol. 9084, pp. 90840C-1-11, 5-9 May 2014. (doi: 10.1117/12.2053244)


  • M. Camplani, T. Mantecón, L. Salgado, “Accurate depth-color scene modeling for 3D contents generation with low cost depth cameras”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing, ICIP 2012, Orlando (FL), USA, pp. 1741-1744, 30 Sep. - 3 Oct. 2012. (doi: 10.1109/ICIP.2012.6467216)